“I have never heard anyone talk about Christianity this way.”


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Layers of Faith: A Roadmap for Spiritual Growth and a Way to Make Sense of Conflict Among the Faithful

Welcome to the Edge of Faith

I am not a fundamentalist, and I am not an evangelical, but I am still a Christian.

Most people in the first two categories would disagree with that third part.

I’m okay with that.

And, I’m not alone.

There are more progressive Christians out there than you might expect. Some of us live in places where it’s not a good idea to come out of the theological closet.

If there’s one thing I want you to hear right now, it’s this…

You CAN be both progressive and Christian at the same time.

My Perspective

Religiously, I’m a Presbyterian Church (USA) minister.

Spiritually, I’m an “armchair mystic”.

Culturally, I’m a postmodern GenXer.

Theologically, I’m a radical theologian at heart, though I appreciate a variety of theologies.

The question that haunts me is this: “Into what is Christianity evolving?”

And, it seems to me, the time for a new reformation has come.

Why Subscribe?

This endeavor is both a newsletter and an online face-to-face community.

The written material and videos are meant to stimulate you toward spiritual growth. Meanwhile, the regular group gatherings offer opportunities to connect with others like yourself.

My goal is for your membership to include everything you need to fuel a vital and thriving spiritual life as a progressive Christian.

Here’s what you get at the “free” level

Each week, you receive 3-4 growth resources:

  • Monday: 1-Minute Video Reflections to inspire and stimulate deeper thinking

  • Wednesday: Self-reflection questions for spiritual growth

  • Friday: The introduction to my Deep Dive topic series for the month (on a 1st Friday of a month), which will challenge the way you see everything

  • Sunday: Lectio Divina Online (1st & 3rd Sundays) offers an ancient Christian mystical experience

Here’s what you get at the “paid” level

Everything above, plus 3-4 more Deep Dives and access to the 2 Progressive Christian Discussion Groups:

  • Friday: Deep Dives into a topic related to spiritual growth, theology, or Christianity as a religion in order to give you a fresh, progressive perspective on faith and life

  • Saturday: Progressive Christian Discussion Group so you can explore difficult topics and grow spiritually together

  • Upcoming: More online events so you can get to know others in the community as you explore new spiritual horizons together

A Dream to Expand

If you find value in what I’m doing, please consider financially supporting the project through a small subscription (only $6/month). This project is an important part of my income, and I appreciate all the financial support I can get. That said, if you genuinely cannot pay the $6/month, all you need to do is contact me and I will give you 3 months of paid membership for free.

Once you become a paying subscriber, you get full access to all my content and member-exclusive events.

As income from subscriptions increases, this will free up my time to expand this project. Here are some of my dreams for how I might do that…

  • Add a shorter weekly “inspiration” article

  • Add regular podcast episodes

  • Add monthly sermons

  • Add an online community space where people have access to a common room and private messaging

  • Engage in a local mission on behalf of those who are supporting the cause

Through your financial support, I hope to move us beyond merely being individuals who are part of a wider progressive Christian collective and into becoming a game-changing movement.

Let’s make the world a better, more loving place together.

Subscribe to Religious, Reasonable, & Radical

A newsletter & online community for deeply spiritual Christians who like to think.


"Into what is Christianity evolving?" That's the question that haunts me. I come at it as an armchair "radical theologian", but I appreciate and use other theologies as well. Spiritually, I take a more mystical approach to faith and life.