The 49-Day Spiritual Growth Journal Has Arrived!
It's Like Working with Me as a Spiritual Coach on Demand
I am sooooo excited!
Finally, I have a practical way to work with people without intruding on schedules and interrupting the general flow of busy life. It’s called The 49-Day Spiritual Growth Journal.
About a year ago, I created the Multi-Dimensional Spiritual Growth System as my attempt at improving upon what I saw as the unfortunate simplistic approach to faith development I usually encounter.
Typically, spiritual development is treated like throwing spaghetti against a wall to see what sticks. It’s haphazard, underemphasized, and unintentional.
If you’re participating in a faith community, your options for spiritual growth typically include…
Listen to sermons
A weekly Bible study
Opportunities to engage in mission
Maybe something else
If you’re not part of a faith community, you might…
Read a book
Maybe read another book
Are these helpful?
Sure. But, they are also potentially problematic because they can fuel an illusion of forward momentum that isn’t really there.
Here’s what’s behind that potential problem…
Typically, spirituality is understood as a separate dimension of life. But it isn’t.
Instead, spirituality is what emerges from the interplay of 7 distinct dimensions of your daily life.
Across those 7 daily dimensions, you will have strengths and weaknesses.
Typically, approaches to faith development focus on strengths. If you are an academic, read a book. If you are a hands-on person, engage in a personal mission.
Don’t get me wrong, playing to strengths is a good thing. But if you ignore your weaknesses, you can create problems for yourself.
You see, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and if you are not nurturing your weaknesses, your development might not only grind to a halt, but it might even lead you to think that you are maturing when you are actually deteriorating.
This spiritual growth journal is designed to head off that problem
As you work through it, you will become more sensitive to all 7 of the dimensions of daily life that interact to make up your spirituality. Once you have become aware of them and how they interpenetrate one another, you will be able to intentionally tend to the whole of your spirituality rather than just one or two parts.
As one person who browsed through a proof copy said, “You’re going to help a whole bunch of people with this.”
I hope that’s true.
And, if you know anyone who may benefit from this, please share it with them.
Again, I am sooo excited about getting this out there. I hope you’re excited about it, too.
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this newsletter and ask.
Peace, Bo