Are you feeling lonely?
If so, you are not alone. Loneliness seems to be a growing problem for Americans.
Perhaps, the pandemic got us used to self-isolation. Perhaps we discovered how easy it was to connect with others online. Or, perhaps we just feel so overworked and overburdened that we need more alone time to decompress, which leads to being alone more.
I don't know what all of the causes are, but the bottom line is that we are spending less time with others than we used to as a society.
Back in seminary, I remember a friend telling me, “Like attracts like”. It's true. We tend to gravitate toward those who share our interests, activities, and even idiosyncrasies.
When we are around people who are like us, we know that they get us, at least at some level. We feel a sense of resonance with them.
And that's what real community is all about: resonance.
We all want that experience of what it’s like to feel known by others. We want to be around those who aren't going to judge us or treat us like outsiders.
This, I think is why it is so hard for progressive Christians to find spiritual community. We generally don't resonate well with the evangelical or fundamentalist mindset.
We don't share the same values.
We don't share the same perspective on the Bible.
We don't share the same missional priorities.
Whenever I visit an evangelical congregation and listen to a sermon, I feel a strong disconnect. It just doesn't speak to who I am and where I am spiritually.
I'm not saying I won't get anything out of it. In fact, while listening, I intentionally wait for that nugget or two of wisdom that I can take home with me. After all, I believe that God speaks to me through those who are different from me.
So, while visiting such communities can be enriching, I’m not going to go there regularly. I need a place where I can feel a sense of divine resonance, and that includes connecting with people spiritually.
If you are a progressive Christian (or spiritual progressive in general) who feels spiritually lonely because you don't have a community to connect with, my hope is that this newsletter and its related events will help you to feel more connected.
I want to slowly add other experiences to it. I’ve already added opportunities to participate in Lectio Divina (“the divine reading”) to help you reconnect with God and meet others like yourself. As support for the newsletter grows, I can consider adding even more to the mix.
I want the events I create to become spaces specifically for progressives—spaces where “like can meet like” because we all need to feel known, nurtured, and safe.
If you have thoughts on how I can expand this newsletter and its events to help you connect and thrive spiritually, feel free to reply and let me know so I can consider it. I can’t guarantee anything, but I’m willing to listen.
Peace, Bo
Join Us Online for a Time of Spiritual Reconnection and Renewal
On Sunday, October 29 from 7:00–7:40 pm (CST), I will host Lectio Divina Online. This event is free and open to the public (so feel free to invite others). However, there is a 20-seat limit, so the earlier you sign up the better.
To attend, you will need to RSVP here. The last day to sign up is Saturday.
I’m excited about offering this, and I hope to see you there!