Next Lectio Divina Online is Sunday Evening, Dec. 10
Lectio Divina Online Event
“Please tell me you’re going to keep doing this.”
That was the first thing said after we ended our initial Lectio Divina Online session.
Yes, I’m continuing to do it.
Join Us for an Ancient Spiritual Exercise that Helps You Discover Who You are Truly Meant to Be
I will host Lectio Divina Online again on Sunday, December 10 at 7:00 pm (CST). You will need to RSVP by the end of the day Saturday to attend.
Here’s your chance to engage in an ancient contemplative discipline designed to help you reconnect to your Divine Ground and enhance your sense of spiritual connection.
So you know what to expect, this video describes the practice.
This is a FREE online video event over Google Meet.
Save the Date
Day: Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023
Time: 7:00–7:40 pm (CST)
Once you RSVP (which is required to attend), you will receive a link to the online room in your email (you may have to check your spam folder). When it’s time to start, click the link to “knock,” and I will let you in.
While this is a video event, you do not have to turn on your video if you do not want to.
I want this event to be an opportunity for everybody attending to meet each other and build relationships. So, once we wrap up around 7:40 pm, I’ll stay a while longer for some casual conversation.
If you have questions, feel free to reply to this email and ask. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
I hope to see many of you there.
To RSVP, just click here.
I look forward to introducing you to one of my favorite spiritual practices!
Peace, Bo
The Evolving Christian Faith Network