Starting in October 2024…
I’m adding another opportunity for people to gather as an Evolving Christian Faith Network community.
Already, we have Lectio Divina Online, which meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 7:00 pm CST.
During that time, we gather to engage in an ancient spiritual discipline that comes from Christian mysticism. This event is free and open to the public. All people need to do is RSVP in advance.
This second community offering will be different
This will be a spiritual discussion group. This is about sharing perspectives and learning from one another. It’s also about learning how to deal with differences when the topics of conversation are near and dear to our hearts.
We will meet at noon (CST) on the Saturday following Lectio Sunday.
I know, it’s odd to schedule this way. But, this helps us avoid having back-to-back group gatherings on Saturday and the following Sunday.
I still need everyone to RSVP in advance so I know how many are coming.
This opportunity is for those who are paid subscribers to the “Religious, Reasonable, & Radical Newsletter & Community”.
If you are not already a paid subscriber, it’s only $6 a month.
Community Covenant
Those who participate will be expected to abide by the Evolving Christian Faith Covenant for a Consecrating Community. Here it is…
Covenant for a Consecrating Community
As we gather, we recognize that the primary purpose of this community is to nurture, empower, and unleash progressive Christians so that they can embrace their call to make the world a more loving place in their own way.
We commit ourselves to keeping this a safe space. Everyone needs to be heard. We will work toward granting people the appropriate time and space to speak their truth as they feel comfortable.
We commit ourselves to healthy boundaries in our conversations. No one should demand access to another's spiritual life. We will not pressure anyone to say more than they feel they need to or should.
We commit ourselves to listening for the wisdom that comes through the truth of the other. Creative insight happens in the space between us—the space that invites us to move beyond the edges of who we are.
We commit to healthy dialogue, especially during disagreements. We will slow things down and intentionally choose our words so we can continue to speak from our truth in love and facilitate a strong sense of community.
We commit to being a community of justice. We know some ideologies and theologies are harmful to human well-being. We resist them as we make space for, protect, and privilege the voices of the marginalized.
We commit to being a community of grace. We know people will transgress. We will deal with these transgressions as gracefully as possible. We also realize that this community is not for everyone. For those for whom it is meant, we offer time and guidance to adjust to appropriate behavioral norms.
Joining together, sharing together, working together, may we become a community of divine hope for the future.
A growing range of community experiences
My overall goal is to offer a variety of different community experiences so that we can engage our faith in different ways. So far, we have one long-standing contemplative experience and one new discussion group.
As membership grows, I hope to add more opportunities and experiences.
If you are not already a paid subscriber, I encourage you to consider it. By supporting me, you not only allow me to create resources and spend time with the paid community, but also to create resources and spend time with those who follow me at the free level.
I hope to see you at our next Saturday Consecrating Community Discussion Group.
Peace, Bo
Thanks to Leonardo.AI for the cover art