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Today, I invite you to spend some time in silent consideration. Imagine me sitting with you and asking the following questions. Allow the time to turn into an internal conversation with me. I think this works best as a journaling exercise.
Everybody has made mistakes in their lives. Think back to a time when one of your secret mistakes was revealed. How did you feel? How long did it take you to recover from the experience?
What’s something you’ve done that you are ashamed of and don’t want anyone to find out about? How far might you go to keep anyone from discovering it?
When you see someone do something they will regret later or have one of their own secrets exposed, do you bring to mind your own failings before you judge them? If not, how can you remind yourself to do that?
Peace, Bo
The Evolving Christian Faith Network
Seeking Deeper Meaning in Life?
If you want to work through a process of intentional spiritual growth so you can become who you were truly meant to be, check out my 49-Day Spiritual Growth Journal.
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